2 Door

min - 1588mm
max - 2149mm

3 Door

min - 1868mm
max - 3125mm

4 Door

min - 2462mm
max - 4138mm

5 Door

min - 3056mm
max - 5151mm

6 Door

min - 3650mm
max - 6164mm

7 Door

min - 4244mm
max - 6426mm

TwoDoor - fold left

Dimensions: Minimum = 1558mm - Maximum = 2400mm

Our two door bi-fold is offered in multiple colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Our two door bi-fold is offered in two configuration options:

Fold to the left or Fold to the right.

TwoDoor - fold left

Dimensions: Minimum = 1868mm - Maximum = 3600mm

Our three door bi-fold is offered in multiple colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Our three door bi-fold is offered in two configuration options:

Fold to the left or Fold to the right.


TwoDoor - fold left

Dimensions: Minimum = 2462mm - Maximum = 4800mm

Our four door bi-fold is offered in multiple configurations and colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Our four door bi-fold is offered in five configuration options:
Four Panels that fold to the left or right.
You can also have the doors split in the middle with two going to each side.

Or Alternatively

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Three Panels that Fold to the left/right with a door on either the right or left.


TwoDoor - fold left

Dimensions: Minimum = 3056mm - Maximum = 6000mm

Our five door bi-fold is offered in multiple colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Our five door bi-fold is offered in two configuration options:
Four folding panels that fold right or left with a single door on the opposite side of the fold.

TwoDoor - fold left

Dimensions: Minimum = 3650mm - Maximum = 7200mm

Our six door bi-fold is offered in multiple configurations and colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Our six door bi-fold is offered in five configuration options:
All six panels can fold to the left or fold to the right.


TwoDoor - fold leftTwoDoor - fold left


Five panels can fold to the left or right with a single door at the opposite end of the fold.

Or Alternatively:

TwoDoor - fold left


Three panels on each side that fold left and right

7door bi-fold - one door left and six folding right

Dimensions: Minimum = 4244mm - Maximum = 7000mm

Our seven door bi-fold is offered in multiple colour options, and a range of glazing options including self-clean, tinted and laminated. There are a choice of handle styles and hinge colours to match your final choice. We also offer the latest aluminium WarmCore range to offer you the most thermally efficient bi-fold doors on the market.

7door bi-fold - one door left and six folding rightTwoDoor - fold left


Our seven door bi-fold is offered in two configuration options:
Six folding panes either left or right with a single door at the opposite end of the fold.